Interviews from WordCamp for Publishers 2018

WordCamp for Publishers is a two day conference for online publishers of any size. This year’s event was hosted in Chicago and was filled with talks about how agencies are helping publishers improve their workflow with Gutenberg, how to improve accessibility, and why paywalls may actually be good for the open web.

I had a great time at the event and was lucky be able to interview many of the speakers throughout the week. We talked with Jake Goldman (10up), Chris Van Patten (Tomodomo), Jeannette Washington (Bearly Articulating), Mike Selander (Human Made), Libby Barker (Human Made), Jodie Riccelli (WebDevStudios), and John Eckman (10up) about the issues and benefits of using WordPress as a publishing platform. You can watch the full set of interviews here.

Doctor Popular is an artist and musician living in San Francisco. As a full disclaimer, he is neither a doctor nor popular.

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