Work-Life Balance

Like so many things in life, being able to work for yourself has its challenges. But the one thing that stands out, is making / having a choice. A choice of the hours you can work and being free to do this anywhere in the world. I thought being a VA meant a person would be homebound unable to get out much. How wrong was I? You see as long as you have a laptop, phone, Wi-Fi and a network signal you can literally go anywhere. There are no restrictions of having to stay in one place. You can be wherever you choose to be, see friends, family, stay in some fabulous places and still work.

Working for yourself is as hard or as easy as you make it Share on X
VA Life - travelling
Balancing work and life will be self rewarding.

Before becoming self-employed many people have experienced the tread mill of rising up at the crack of dawn to get a bus, a train or drive in order to be at a desk for a certain time to start the working day. However, no matter how early a person starts or how late they finish completing their tasks or deadlines, it’s sometimes never enough. Never enough hours in the day, so suddenly life becomes work and many find themselves living to work.

Working for yourself is as hard or as easy as you make it and the rewards are different for each individual. After all, you are in control of the flexibility of your day and know what needs to be achieved. But a work-life balance is important for everyone and having that makes for a relaxed, happier environment. So take a moment, step back and ask yourself whether you need to alter the course of your destination? Sure, it’s scary because from that moment or thought, you know things have to change. Just remember your home wasn’t built in a day so take a quiet moment to figure out what makes you ‘happy’ what you’re good at and if you can earn a living from it. But most of all Believe in yourself, keep positive and make the changes for the life you want to live.

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