Doc’s WordPress News Drop is a weekly report on the most pressing WordPress news. When the news drops, I will pick it up and deliver it right to you.
At DrupalEurope, one of the largest Drupal conferences in the world, Per André Rønsen and Marco Fernandes announced a new Gutenberg module in the works. When finished, this module will allow Drupal users to use a similar block based content editor as the upcoming on planned for WordPress 5.0. But that’s not all, the team also announced GutenbergCloud, which is an online repository for developers to share their custom Gutenberg blocks with others.
Love WordPress News but hate reading? My name is Doc and this is Doc Pop’s News Drop.
Gutenberg may not officially be part of WordPress Core yet, but it’s influence is already spreading around the world of open source.
Recently, at DrupalEurope, Per André Rønsen and Marco Fernandes demonstrated a Gutenberg module for Drupal. During their presentation, they talked about the virtues of Drupal as a solid CMS network, but it has it’s issues as an editor. Adding the editing experience “is not always intuitive and lacks the true wysiwyg experience”. Which is why they decided to port the Gutenberg editor to Drupal.
They stripped out the WordPress PHP and made a standalone application using REACT JS.
They just recently released an alpha version of Gutenberg for Drupal which is currently available, but not production ready.Although the WordPress version of Gutenberg is intended primarily for editing posts, the Gutenberg for Drupal module can be used as a post editor or page builder. Otherwise, the two versions of Gutenberg look pretty similar. There are different types of content blocks and a similar drag and drop experience. Considering how new the project is, it looked surprisingly polished during their demo.
Just as a reminder, this project is currently only a Drupal module and is not officially coming to Drupal core. When I reached out to Per Andre in August he said “I personally doubt G will make it to core, but it could be one of many decoupled solutions + provide inspirations and patterns.”
At the end of their demo, Per Andre announced GutenbergCloud, a brand new block managing system that can share Gutenberg blocks for Drupal AND WordPress. GutenbergCloud is a custom repository for Gutenberg blocks. Ecommerce, call to action, sign up forms, these can all be stored and shared online.
GutenbergCloud is not yet released, but it’s a great idea and I think it’s a huge endorsement for the Gutenberg project. I can’t wait to see it grow more.
For more information on GutenbergCloud and the Gutenberg module for Drupal, you can check out
That’s it for this week’s News Drop, thanks for watching, we’ll see you next week.
The post Doc Pop News Drop: GutenbergCloud and the Gutenberg Module for Drupal appeared first on Torque.