How to help build your email list with MailChimp Subscriber Popup.

We’ve been looking at list building, specifically subscribers to our online Virtual Assistant magazine; VA Life. So I thought I’d share a MailChimp tip that we use to help grow our subscription list.

You will have noticed a popup when you visited this site inviting you to subscribe.  Nothing new here, popups have been in use on this site for some time.  Love them or loath them, they are an integral part of any list building campaign.

We’ve tested a number of third party solutions including SumoMe, optinmonster and a couple of WordPress popup plugins including WordPress PopUp – Popover Maker and Popups – WordPress Popup. All worked, each had pros and cons, but there is another way.  A free way.

Not only is is free but there’s no plugin to install so it potentially puts less of a load on your server meaning; reduced impact on page-load.

Build your email list with #MailChimp Subscriber Popup Share on X

The Setup

To take advantage you will need a MailChimp account, a website and access to paste a small bit of code generated by MailChimp into the your site.

  1. So the first thing you need to do is login to your MailChimp account
  2. Then navigate to your Lists page
  3. Now in the dropdown menu for the list click Signup Forms VA Life - MailChimp lists dropdown signup forms
  4. Then select Subscriber PopupVA Life - MailChimp select subscriber popup
  5. Now you can start navigating your way around the various design options to create a highly customised email opt-in form.  Be sure to check how your MailChimp Subscriber Popup will look on your site by using the Preview Popup towards the top.  
  6. Once you have visited and completed the options in the Design, Fields, Content and Settings tabs and you are happy with how the popup is both looking and functioning, it’s time to hit the Generate Code button towards the bottom right of your screen.


This final step is where things can get a little technical.  The best place for the code generated by MailChimp will vary depending on your needs.  If you want the popup to display on all pages then a good place to paste the code is just before the closing </head> in your header file.  It’s simply a case of copy and paste the few lines of code generated by MailChimp.

Once you have the code inserted in your website the popup will automatically be displayed, based on the settings you configured during the initial setup.  If you need to make changes simply return to your MailChimp dashboard, follow steps 1-4 above, then make the edits required.  All you have to do when you are finished is hit Publish and the changes will automatically be reflected on your site.

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