Building an Inclusive VA Community

We’re a social bunch here at my VA company, we love meeting new and interesting people. We go out of our way to make sure we are continually growing both our personal and business networks.  We make sure we’re at networking events, conferences, local, national (and even international) meetups.  Heck, we even run some events ourselves to help build communities.

Has the ‘fear’ of networking been preventing you from stepping out and saying hello?  One of the biggest (and least talked about) challenges as a virtual or remote worker can be isolation and loneliness.  At our core we are committed to supporting, both new and existing, VAs to reach out and grow their networks too.

So we are happy to announce the launch of three, yes you read that right: THREE online communities that will compliment our plans for in-person events (more details on that soon).  So the first thing you might be thinking is “Why three?” or “I can’t keep up with all this!”.

Well, firstly…why three?  Because we are building an inclusive VA community that is accessible, supportive and useful.  Secondly…I can’t keep up!  You don’t have to jump into all three if you don’t want to.  This comes back to the first point, we are building these communities on platforms that you are already using.  If you are an avid Facebook user then you’re welcome to join our Facebook Group.  If you prefer the style of networking over on LinkedIn, then we have a group for you.  Or if you prefer a little more freedom to create your own content to discuss then the VA Life Community is perfect for you.

So to recap; our new community sites include:

We really don’t mind which group you join, the important part is joining.  Come along and say “Hi”, introduce your VA company, let us know what’s working or what’s not and grow your network.

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