Having a marketing plan is one of the most important parts for any new Virtual Assistant start up. It provides the blueprint on how you intend to market your company, goals, action plans and the strategies you intend to use to get the word out about your business. It is one of the key components to increasing your chances of success,
- Identify your Goal
- Target your market
- Develop a Strategy and Plan to implement & Execute
- Develop your Budget
Above are some basic steps to follow in order to help your business promote your services and products. But, be sure to work on one at a time rather than trying to handle several problems at once. Multi-tasking is never as successful as focusing on one goal at a time.
For more help and advise on launching, managing and maintaining your Virtual Assistant company be sure to visit https://myVAcompany.com

For a more detailed marketing plan you could write the following headers and questions:
- OBJECTIVE – What goals are you wanting to achieve?
- YOUR PRODUCT / SERVICE – What are you offering?
- CUSTOMERS – Who are you trying to target?
- COMPETITORS – Who are they?
- PRICING – How will you price your product
- SALES – How and where will you sell your product
- PROMOTION – How will people find out about you and your product
- BUDGET – What funds do you have to promote the product?
- ACTION PLAN – When are you planning to promote and sell your product?
Then underneath, write your answers. These will then give you an idea of your overall marketing plan leaving you with a clearer picture of your business on how you are going to accomplish the goals you have set for your new project / company. As you go through each section, give yourself a realistic idea on timescale for achieving each area so you know exactly what you need to have accomplished by a certain time, otherwise it might have a knock on effect on the next goal.
Remember great things take time, stay patient and stay positive!