Branding and Marketing Your Virtual Assistant Business

We’ll share some tips around branding and marketing your Virtual Assistant business.

A brand is the sum total of the experiences your clients and potential clients have with your virtual assistant company. A strong brand communicates what your VA company does, how it does it, and at the same time, establishes trust and credibility. Your brand lives in everyday interactions with your customers, the images you share, the messages you post on social media, the content of your marketing materials, and in your posts on your blog.

Here are 10 quick tips to help you start building a successful brand:

  1. Be unique.
  2. Grow your community.
  3. Build great products and services.
  4. Have a good name and logo.
  5. Find your voice.
  6. Be consistent.
  7. Keep your promises.
  8. Stand for something.
  9. Empower your customers.
  10. Deliver value.

Being smart with marketing ensures the success of your virtual assistant business by attracting more clients, and keeping them coming back. Small business is the backbone of local economies Whether you are an individual or a multi-person VA business, you need no-nonsense marketing strategies to secure a greater share of the market. Empower yourself to apply clever marketing plans and ideas without breaking the bank.

Here are 10 quick tips to help you start your marketing:

  1. Get the know-how.
  2. Put your customers first.
  3. Know your target market.
  4. Understand that marketing is not advertising.
  5. Set sales goals and targets.
  6. Get a handle on the four Ps of marketing:
    1. Product
    2. Pricing
    3. Placement strategy (distribution)
    4. Promotional strategy

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