We’re surrounded by thousands of choices when it comes to different tools and apps to use when going about our daily work.
This article provides some insight into what we’ve found to be the most useful tools to increase our own productivity.
A neat little extension for Google Chrome which prompts you to enter the main focus for your day. Every time you open a new tab you’re presented with a stunning photo, an inspirational quote and a reminder of your focus. The aim being to maintain your momentum and not get distracted into a rabbit hole of other websites and social media.

We love the clean layout and structure of Evernote and use it primarily for notes, lists and general thoughts. We also draft up blog articles with it. Evernote has tons more features than we currently exploit, including a great scan and search option, and we are looking forwarding to diving more into their premium features.
A smart phone app offering guided mediations. We use Headspace every morning for 10-15 minutes to be mindful and set myself up for the day ahead.
A great looking Google app for subscribing to articles from your favourite blogs which you can then access on your iPhone or iPad.

Small PDF
This is a really neat tool for converting documents and editing pdf files. Invaluable when you need to convert something to PDF or combine a bunch of individual pages into one document.
Great for tracking time spent on specific projects or when working on contracts that are billed by the day/hour. We tried a bunch of different time tracking apps and found Harvest to work best for our needs, plus the smart phone app is useful for when out and about.
A good old fashioned notebook
Sometimes it’s good to get away from the screen, and having a notebook to hand is always useful for scribbling thoughts down when inspiration strikes. We tend to find that some of our best ideas originate from the handwritten notes we make when we’re chatting as a team.

We’d love to know which apps and tools you use to operate productively?